FL Studio, previously known as FruityLoops until 2003, stands out as a leading digital audio workstation crafted by the Belgian innovator Image-Line. Its intuitive graphical user interface is paired with a unique pattern-based sequencer, making music creation both engaging and efficient. Users can choose from four distinct editions compatible with Microsoft Windows and macOS, catering to diverse needs and preferences. Once purchased, registered users enjoy the benefit of lifetime free updates, ensuring their software remains cutting-edge. Additionally, Image-Line has expanded its reach with FL Studio Mobile, available on Android, iOS, macOS, and Universal Windows Platform devices, allowing music creation anytime, anywhere. FL Studio also integrates seamlessly as a Virtual Studio Technology (VST) or Audio Unit (AU) instrument within other DAWs, and functions as a ReWire client. With a rich array of VST and AU instruments developed by Image-Line, the creative potential is limitless. Esteemed producers in the hip hop and EDM scenes, such as 9th Wonder, Metro Boomin, and Deadmau5, have made their mark using FL Studio, solidifying its reputation as a cornerstone in modern music production.
Image Line have announced the release of the latest version of their FL Studio DAW, which introduces a range of highly requested features along with new plug-ins.
A couple of powerful new features have been added to the DAW’s Piano Roll tool: a Snap to Scale function and Python-based scripting capabilities. The Snap to Scale function ensures that notes automatically align with the selected scale when placed or moved, streamlining key changes and accelerating note editing within the DAW.
The scripting function, on the other hand, allows users with coding knowledge to perform custom MIDI data manipulation. This means you can generate progressions and drum patterns by entering specific notes and rhythms. Additionally, Image Line has set up a forum for users to share and discuss scripts, as well as providing a collection of pre-scripted melodies and beats, making this feature accessible even to those without coding experience.
The software’s processing options have also been expanded with new plug-ins and updates to existing ones. A notable addition is the AI-powered Edison Declipper processor, which helps restore audio recordings that have been damaged by clipping. Also new is the Hyper Chorus plug-in, designed to create dynamic, layered ensemble effects from individual voices or instruments within the DAW.
Other improvements include the ability to link waveform colors to frequency levels for easier identification while mixing, automatic software updates, and external MIDI clock syncing capabilities.
FL Studio 21.1 is compatible with PCs running Windows 7 and above, and Macs with macOS 10.13.6 or higher.
Pricing & Availability
FL Studio 21.1 is available now as a free upgrade for existing users. For those looking to purchase a new FL Studio license, the pricing is as follows:
- Fruity Edition: £85
- Producer Edition: £164
- Signature Bundle: £255
- All Plugins Edition: £409
Prices include VAT.